Want to get the latest breaking news and contribute reports on the go? Join Stomp on WhatsApp for free!

Calling all Stompers! Want to effortlessly contribute stories or photos anywhere and anytime, as well as be the first to receive the hottest breaking news?

We invite you to join the new Stomp WhatsApp service.

This free service allows you to:

1. Receive links to top Stomp stories on WhatsApp

2. Send contributions to Stomp via WhatsApp

3. Receive alerts on Stomp activities, e.g. contests Stomp is running

To be part of this exclusive Stomp WhatsApp service, please follow 3 simple steps:

1. Install WhatsApp on your smartphone, if you don't have it already.

2. Save 9384 3761 in your phone contact list as "Stomp Team".

3. Send a WhatsApp message to Stomp Team with your name, number and "subscribe". Here's an example: James Tan, 9123 4567, subscribe

Do note that by sending the WhatsApp message to us, you are giving us your consent to contact you via your mobile number for purposes related to the service (including to get more information on any stories you may contribute). 

Please give us some time to process your request. Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.

To unsubscribe, simply delete Stomp Team from your contact list, and send us an "Unsubscribe" message.

This service is offered free-of-charge.

Stomp will not share your details without your permission. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions and Data Protection Policy for more information.