3 tips from David Hasselhoff for anyone who wants to be as successful as The Hoff

Many of us have come to know him by his stage monikers. 

Mitch Buchannon in the series Baywatch, Michael Knight from Knight Rider or the perpetually jubilant judge on America got talent; and there he sat.

In the flesh, 63-year-old David Hasselhoff could not have looked better, exuding an air of confidence and magnetism that naturally held the gazes of the room. 

The atmosphere was electric. 

And then a husky voice cut through the nervous murmurs in the background; clear, concise, and directed. 

"Hey buddy, can you hand me that coffee?” he said, gesturing to me.

And that was it. The first sentence David Hasselhoff ever said to me. 

The rest of the interview came on simply enough. 

As an interviewee, The Hoff was chatty, reactive and disarmingly warm -- everything that an interviewer could have asked for. 

He was also a polished speaker, never needing long to formulate his thought process, although that could have well been due to his vast interview experiences.

Perhaps his most striking quality would be his humility, a seemingly impossible quality for someone of David’s standing. 

David talked about how important it was that he never let fame cloud his belief, and considered it a privilege to be invited to the ship

He goes now and muses how he had planned to make 'Hasselhoff' a household name, and how every struggle he faced only made him more determined.

Do not mistake his humility for self-doubt though.

The Hoff is a confident and energetic man, brimming with positivity that shone through and through the entire span of the interview. 

Armed with his signature hearty laugh, he asserts:

“To be successful, you need three things.”

“See it, believe it, and live it.”

Watch his full video below. 
